Sherlonya: Proper Noun

1. Try my hand at scrapbooking.
2. Complete a half marathon. Yay! I ran the Detroit Free Press Half Maration, October 18, 2009.
3. Finish a marathon.
This is not going to happen.
4. Create something every day.
I realize now that this was an unrealistic goal. Some days just aren't conducive to creating something, especially since I meant a physical object of some sort. I am abandoning this goal for the less measurable, exercise creativity
5. 365 picture project.
The point of this goal was to make myself take more pictures. I have successfully done this. I regularly carry my camera with me and have managed to capture some some pretty cool images I wouldn't have otherwise captured if I hadn't been thinking about this.
6. Get more serious about resistance training.
7. Take Alex berry picking.
8. Work on my drawing skills using books, exercises and perhaps a class or two.
9. Develop visible abs.
10. Blog at least three times a week.
Here, the goal was to get myself to blog regularly which I have pretty much been doing.
11. Finish Taste.
12. Take a cooking class or workshop.
13. Complete consecutive 100 pushups, non-modified.
14. Visit the DIA.
15. Finish Fallen. I am about 12 chapters in. I have planned up the end of "Part 1."
16. Try 100 new (to me) recipes.
Did this!! 77
17. Design my own 2010 calendar. Some goals are mean to be broken
18. Be done with my Christmas shopping/wrapping/labeling by December 15. I got pretty darned close and am calling this achieved
19. Make paella.
20. Fill journal. Hello, halfway point!
21. Learn to swim.
22. Create some small pieces of art.
"Rushmore" 2.21.10, Shag-style painting in hallway, Shades of purple piece for bedroom
23. Make Christmas ornaments with Alex.
24. Try 31 new cocktails.
1.Wally World 2.Mango Mojito 3. Mango Margarita 4.Daniel Boone 5.ABC 6.Blue Day 7.White Russian 8.Jamaican Surprise 9.117 Cherry 10.Anti-Freeze II 11.Gin & Ginger 12.Gin Fizz 13.Domainee de Canton Margarita 14.Barfly's Dream 15.Angel's Delight 16.Absolut Nut Martini 17.Devonia Cocktail 16. Cherry Cordial. 19. Caipirovka 20. Swimming Pool. 21. Apple Pomtini 22. Bahama Mama 23. Lime Rickey 24. Butterscotch Truffle 25. Dirty Virgin 26. Poor Man's Mimosa 27. Mormon's Surprise 28. Time In a Bottle 29. Chocolate Martina 30. Female Cadet 31. Midori Sour
25. Uh, improve my personal website.
Made some updates to the blog|Reformatted this page|Added some bibliographic inro
26. Read a biography (or autobiography) of each US President.
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama
27. Make homemade cheese. Done! I made ricotta
28. Create Halloween crafts/decorations.
29. Knit a pair of socks.
30. Make horchata from scratch. Done!
31. Take a jewelry-making class or workshop.