There are so many ways a title containing the word “sausage” can go wrong…

Now that it’s getting warm, what better to think about than sausage. Well, ice cream might be better. Watermelon might be better, but that is not what I have on my mind. I have sausage on my mind. Wait, this could get weird fast. Restart! So, making sausage is one of the birthday goals. This… Continue reading There are so many ways a title containing the word “sausage” can go wrong…

The Most Dangerous Game

I am both a recipe cook and an a-little-of-this-a-little-of-that cook. What I don’t often do, however is deliberate adaptation. Sure, I substitute ingredients here and there, but never with a specific flavor and texture profile in mind. This, I think of more as substitution. Adaptations are intimidating. Adaptations can quickly point out just how much… Continue reading The Most Dangerous Game