I think that part of this blog is about documenting what I do. Yes, a journal does that, but I often feel like I don’t do anything, but I know that this isn’t the case. But here, it shows me exactly where my time is going. At the end of the weekend, for example, I feel like those two days just disappeared and that I don’t have anything to show for them.
I think that I am feeling that particularly right now because I haven’t been writing which is not normal for me. This is not the first time that I have gone a period of time without writing, but I think that this is the longest period of time that I have gone. I hadn’t even been writing consistently in my physical journal. And this couldn’t be a lack of time because now it seems like I should have more time than I have had in the recent past. I am no longer in graduate school. My child is now in school and gaining, albeit slowly, the ability to entertain himself. It seems like I should have more time, but it also seems like I am doing less.
Part of it is the struggle, I think, to balance major components. My job is important to me, taking good care of my son is important to me and writing is important to me. There are other things, but these are huge, identity-shaping things.
Then there are the random things, the curiosities that take hold, the desire to embark upon projects.
Maybe part of what is going on is that I am often working on so many things at once…. Maybe it is like the way that I read books. I might be reading 6 of them simultaneously, but not finishing any of them and then feeling like I am not reading. Then, suddenly, I finish 3 of those within hours of each other. Yes, maybe it is exactly like that.
So on to my November/Thanksgiving project:
This morning, I had Cream of Wheat for breakfast cooked with apple cider instead of water and swirled with pumpkin butter.
Dinner involved risotto, the fall flavor being butternut squash.
Both were tasty adventures; I’m feeling thankful already.
I admire your ambition! That risotto looks super tasty 🙂