Anadama bread

Since more than one of my major writing projects have to do with food, I feel less and less guilty that I spend so much time thinking about it.

So, when I was looking around at blogs, I came across this BBA Challenge at Pinch My Salt. I knew that wanted to participate. Perhaps this sounds like procrastination.

Anyway, I made the Anadama bread.

I never would have tried this bread at all if not for this challenge and this book. I had never seen it nor heard of it. Chances are, if I were buying bread, I would go for something known like baguettes or something that had some savory ingredients baked in.

That is the point of this challenge to me. To learn about breads that I never would have experienced and also, part of my general desire to become more aware of and involved in the processes that bring food to my plate (or paper towel).

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