
It’s funny how a commitment to post to this blog every day suddenly makes me want to work on one of my novels. After all, if I am making progress on one of those things, I have something to post about here. However, a general wild exciting schedule has made it difficult for me to get into the novel. However, I always have time to make mental notes. Today’s observations are tomorrow’s poems or novels or plays.

On the way home, I almost ran over a cat so large and scary looking that I felt, momentarily, like I was in some messed up Stephen King novel, that the cat was going to get into my car and that somehow I would wind up on a road that I never knew existed before to have a very disturbing experience.

I heard a very strange story involving footwear that has to show up somewhere.

I saw a closeup of a a tiny but soft-looking midriff.

Who knows where these details will show up. The writing group will be the first to find out.

Categorized as writing

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