Visions of sugarplums

I was walking along, minding my business (yes, most of my stories start this way) when I saw these cute little plums. When I read the sign that said sugarplums, I may have moaned audibly right there in the produce section. Instantly, I gathered a bazillion of them and plan to make jam. After all, I had made plum  jam in the past and it was good.

I don’t know WHAT happened! But let’s just say that some days I wish I were better about keeping the recipes that are tried and true.

There had been a fantasy of enjoying a quiet breakfast involving homemade plum jam, homemade ricotta cheese, grapefruit and coffee.

This was not to be. I made the jam according to a recipe that I am considering removing from the cookbook and burning. Grossness ensued. This jam turned out like some weird candy.  The unfortunate reality is that I have 4 jars of it. On the positive side; it smelled good, and it is quite pretty.

The only context I can imagine using it is taking a small amount and stirring it into a copious amount of oatmeal or grits. You can’t win them all, I guess. But really, did I have to lose like this?

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