Goal 16: Sledding

Suddenly in the midst of a very mild Michigan winter snow was finally in the forecast.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a snow lover. In fact, I have been known to say gross things like, “I wouldn’t mind if I never saw another snowflake; I’d be content to see dandruff on peoples’ shoulders and reminisce.” I know. Disgusting.

However, for the last 2 years, I have been intending to take Alex sledding. Two years. And I live in Michigan.

This is the part where BW and VM will shake their heads if they read this.

So, when I heard that there would be snow, I was determined to let Alex have a couple slides down a small hill where I live. Problem is, when I woke up I heard all of this noise outside. Dripping, melting snow! (AKA, the dream of accomplishing goal 16 escaping.)

This is the part where she skips the part of the story when she dramatically told Alex that ALL OF THE SNOW IS GOING TO MELT, LIKE RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW!!

But the melodrama was worth it. Every second of it, because there’s nothing better than hearing your kid say, “I’m going to sled out this whole hill!”

Alex’s verdict: “I wish I would have known you were this fun.”

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