I keep reading things that say pretty much, you get fit in the gym; you get slim in the kitchen. And then I quickly turn the page.
I don’t have horrible, horrible eating habits, but they could use some work. On the other side, once I go into, “I need to overhaul this eating thing” mode, I flip very quickly into obsess mode. Obsess mode then turns into rigidity. Rigidity turns into FEED ME
NOW!! ANYTHING! EVERYTHING!!! NOW, NOW, NOW!!! Was that your finger?
So, for February, I have decided to do a couple of things that I don’t think will pull me into that downward spiral. I am going to keep a food journal. I think that knowing that I’ve committed to one month, the shortest one at that will help me there. The second thing I am doing for this month is adding one smoothie and one salad to my daily diet. This’ll also get me a step closer to my smoothie goal and my salad goal.
This fall, I had the crappiest time catching a million colds. I want to make sure I leave that crud behind me. So, I’m trying to get those nutrients in! So, I will be focusing on green smoothies, to make sure I’m getting some extra veggies in my life.
The other thing that I really need to do is take enough food to work with me. I’m doing fine in the morning and through the early afternoon, and then I run out of food. Then I have hours of feeling hungry before I get home. This turns me into a crazy monster when I get home and I wind up eating all kinds of stuff that I would not have eaten had I not let myself get too hungry. This is probably my biggest downfall.
Finally, I have noticed recently that I feel most satisfied when I have some animal protein at my main meals. I mean I feel really, really good. I have felt so good that I sat there after eating once rubbing my belly and saying, “Mmmm….feels soooo goood.” I think that if the difference is that stark, that maybe I should pay attention to it. Problem is that, former vegetarian me does not like to cook meat. I hate to handle it. I sometimes buy it and let it go bad just because I can’t work up the will to engage with it. So, I am going to try cooking it once a week in the slow cooker and then adding the meat to whatever I’m preparing.