I am determined to experience the seasons. I love, love, love summer, and want to make sure that I don’t spend the years waiting and pining for summer and then ignoring what is nice about the other seasons. One thing that I like about the fall season is the abundance of pumpkin-related treats.
I’m serious. I have to stay out of Trader Joe’s right now. If I don’t, I will fill a basket with pumpkin ice cream, and pumpkin macarons. My lips will be perpetually stained with pumpkin spiced something or other. I will ingest nothing of any nutritional value until the new year if I go in there.
That is not to say that I whipped up something of nutritional value. No, I decided to play with the pumpkin pie idea by making blondies.
I used a recipe from Smitten Kitchen which was adapted from a Mark Bittman recipe. My blondie recipe was spiked with a shot of bourbon and kissed by a cup of toasted cashews. Where’s the pumpkin pie? It is swirled over the top of this blondie.
This is not the kind of thing that should be stored in plain sight if you have a pumpkin pie problem. That would be dangerous.
Dangerously tasty.