I preface this by saying that I am very grateful for the life I am able to lead. Now that it’s warmer outside, I am determined to enjoy it as much as I can. Too often, it’s easy to stay indoors in environments that are refrigerated beyond my comfort to try to get one more thing done. Wait, y’all call that air conditioning. What now? There’ll always be something else to do? So, right now as the roller coaster that is the summer is climbing those final feet before it all turns crazy, I feel the need to strategize. How am I going to take care of the all-to-easy-to-ignore self-care? The last two summers
tried to kill me were very challenging. I am sure that this one will be challenging, too. But this time, I am determined to enjoy it. So, the goal is to do something every day that helps me to take advantage of this favorite season of mine thought it is my busiest season. It begins now. What did I do today? I took a LaBlast class. It was great fun. Will it be a workout every day? No? But it will be sometimes. Sometimes I’ll make the point to read. Sometimes I’ll bake. Sometimes I’ll make something, but every day, it’ll be something. Even if that something is putting together a little Lego figure. Deciding to do something about a challenge I see coming makes me hopeful. It makes me feel like it’s already working.