Follow Sherlonya’s board Pancakes on Pinterest.
There is nothing proper about my feelings for pancakes.
In fact, pancakes are one of the very first things that I learned how to make, and I wanted to make them whenever I had the opportunity to do so.
Pancakes not only remind me of home, but they remind me of childhood visits to Louisiana. I remember eating pancakes that my grandma made. I can see the kitchen in my mind. I can remember the taste of those pancakes.
Pancakes are one of those foods that taste like love.
So, what do you do with something like this? Things have changed a little bit. I, for example, don’t really eat pancake syrup, now preferring maple syrup. This sort of means that I can’t ever really go back to the pancakes of the past. This means that it’s time to venture into pancakes future.
And this is the perfect reason to create a Pinterest board for pancakes.
I imagine warming up some otherwise bleak winter mornings with steaming pancakes. I imagine making them for Alex, surprising him with them, beckoning him into a day.
I imagine them tasting like love.