One thing that might happen to you if you ever decide to embark upon a thematic baking project is that you might acquire quite the collection of baking odds and ends. In my case, it means that there is a weird amount of frozen fruit in my freezer.
Last year I was into smoothie making, and that would have made quick work of all of this fruit. This year, however, I don’t have it together like that.
I was clicking around the internet when I saw Smitten Kitchen’s Chocolate Oat Crumble recipe when I figured that I would make one myself, with all that fruit in the freezer.
Well, with some of that fruit in the freezer.
So, I got to work. First I combined black and tart cherries and sprinkled them with a bit of sugar. Then I grabbed a few handfuls of oatmeal, a half handful of flour and a sprinkling of sugar and combined them.
Then, I realized that my freezer holds all sorts of chocolate. So I thew in some semisweet chocolate chips and some white chocolate chips
I put the cherry mixture in a cast iron skillet and topped it with the oatmeal mixture and threw the whole thing in a 350 degree oven. I cooked it until it started to smell like it was done and there it was. A mildly sweetened crisp that would, like a private dancer, do what I wanted it to do. In this case, it would be dessert, then turn right around and be breakfast.
Happy endings all around.