Tasting and Testing: Lay’s Potato Chips


I love to cook at home, but I also like to try all sorts of weird food products. I know that I shouldn’t like this. I know that it isn’t good for me sometimes, but the mouth wants what it wants. You know, I can’t decide whether or not I’m comfortable with that last sentence.

Listening to The Nosh Show doesn’t help me manage these impulses. There are several products that I tasted that I surely wouldn’t have if it weren’t for this show. I would list them, but I don’t know whether my self-esteem permits it. 

Recently on the show, they talked about the chips that are a part of the Lay’s flavor contest. I knew that if I had the chance that I’d pick these up. As I did my weekly shopping, I thought that I wouldn’t see these when I finally encountered the end cap that displayed them. I didn’t pick up all four flavors, just the Southern Biscuits and Gravy flavor and the Kettle Cooked Gyro flavor.

I knew that Alex and I would need to do a taste test. Since we’re still actively moving, quick dinners are super helpful right now. Also, he loves things like this and often begins conversations with, “remember the time we….”

When I told Alex about the taste test, he was pretty excited about the idea. We had the chips with a chicken sausage. As soon as I could get the chips on the plate, we tucked in.

Of the Kettle Cooked Greektown Gyro, Alex said, “I’d have to say a nacho with zest and vinegar.” I think that was his joke response? What followed made a little more sense, “I think there’s a little meat to that one.” I thought this one was pretty tasty. I’ll have no problem doling these out as a part of my lunch for a while.chiptest1

Of the Southern Biscuits and Gravy, Alex had nothing much to say. He asked me what I thought. I told him that I couldn’t really pick up much. He agreed, saying that they taste pretty plain. 

An occasional completist, now I’m dying to try the other two flavors, Wavy West Coast Truffle Fries and New York Reuben.



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