General George Washington: A Military Life

I am almost embarrassed by the way I got sucked into General George Washington: A Military Life by Edward G. Lengel. I listened to it and was stricken by the frequent descriptions of President Washington’s physicality. I don’t have a problem thinking of these men, the presidents, as flesh-and-bones people. Just ask my writing group… Continue reading General George Washington: A Military Life

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If running doesn’t make you a runner, what does?

Sometime after I had run the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon, I made reference to “real runners,” which did not include myself. One of the people with whom I was talking stopped, looked at me, and said, “You just ran a half marathon. What do you mean real runners?” I do not recall my response.… Continue reading If running doesn’t make you a runner, what does?

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Visions of sugarplums

I was walking along, minding my business (yes, most of my stories start this way) when I saw these cute little plums. When I read the sign that said sugarplums, I may have moaned audibly right there in the produce section. Instantly, I gathered a bazillion of them and plan to make jam. After all,… Continue reading Visions of sugarplums

Where fiction begins

As a fiction writer, I find myself in possession of collections of sentences that I want to use one day. At times, I feel like a phrase hoarder. Some of the sentences I love so much that I don’t even think I can bear to use them. It is like the good china. Some of… Continue reading Where fiction begins

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Best intentions

So, a little while ago, I stated over on Facebook that I had planned my meals up through March 5th. A few friends said, hey, I’m curious, what did you plan. Nonchalantly, I replied that I would post about it on my blog. And then I meant to do it, and then I didn’t. In… Continue reading Best intentions

Hail to the Chief

I once lived in an apartment for two years without ever appropriately decorating. This is not right, as I like to look at things. Colorful things. Lots of them. It was another time, a rough time full of driving, driving and more driving. Some of it turned out to be worth it, other of it… Continue reading Hail to the Chief

AAAWG Extra Session

I could probably write a story full of tension and woe about the steps that I took in order to get ready for the writing group extra session. As any diverse group of people who gather around an interest, there is a tech guy. So, tech guy, offered a session on working on  your blog.… Continue reading AAAWG Extra Session

In the kitchen

Sometimes something happens in the kitchen that etches itself on your mind never to be forgotten. Like, you know, hypothetically, you make risotto in someone’s kitchen for the first time. And your masterpiece turns out just as you hoped it would. It is delicious and pretty and darned satisfying. Until the owner of the kitchen… Continue reading In the kitchen