Reusable Baby Wipes

During my pregnancy, I bought what I consider a starter set of cloth diapers. I had actually been interested in cloth diapers when my now 16-year-old son was a baby, but that wasn’t in the cards. During my pregnancy, I also thought that I would have a relatively easy child-birth and spend my maternity leave… Continue reading Reusable Baby Wipes

5 Acts of Sewing

Sometimes I sew. I don’t sew often, but as time goes by, I find more and more pieces of my wardrobe were born of my own sewing machine.  Part of it has to do with this body. I am of ample bosom, of long and generous thigh, and I come with a nice pat of… Continue reading 5 Acts of Sewing

Categorized as sewing

Mason Jar Cozies

I’ve been using canning jars as serving, storage, an carrying vessels for a  while now. Not so much of a while that I was before the curve or anything, but time enough.  Time enough that I’ve been meaning to make a few cozies for a long time. I love that the canning jar is study… Continue reading Mason Jar Cozies


The other day after picking up the little guy, we went to Value World. I find myself wanting to go here when I’ve been sewing to see if there is anything in there that I want to turn into something else. But then I am overwhelmed by all of the rows and the occasionally aggressive… Continue reading Frank


I have been looking for the perfect wallet for years. So today, to celebrate the beginning of Spring Break, I decided to make one. This is also a part of my decision to make sure that I don’t spend the entirety of the spring break just looking around on the internet. I am totally capable… Continue reading Wallet

Two shirts later

I collect things. I don’t mean to do it, but I have all of these ideas and grand intentions. Those intentions need supplies, right? I reorganized some things around the apartment and came across some fabric that I have owned for years. How many years? I have no idea. I know that I have moved… Continue reading Two shirts later

Simplicity 3788

Dear Simplicity, You sort of make me feel like a trollop or hussy. Don’t give me that innocent look.  I performed my measurements very carefully; I took honest measurements. Then, I began my plans to sew. But there was something in the back of my head that told me I should check the finished measurements… Continue reading Simplicity 3788