Kimchi Quesadillas

My first exposure to kimchi happened in college. I used to work in a dining hall on campus. One time kimchi was being served. Let’s just say that this probably is never the best way to be introduced to something. Because when you’re working in some sort of food service situation, you will be faced… Continue reading Kimchi Quesadillas

Summer Sweetness

The warmer parts of the year are my favorite. Each year, however, they seem to go by in a flash. This year, I am determined to savor the summery bits. This means spending time with the sliding door open. This means walks out doors. This means making things like lemonade. This limeade was inspired by… Continue reading Summer Sweetness

Just because

I like to look at clouds, and take pictures of them. I am actually collecting some pictures of them hoping to make a larger project out of them. But until that day comes, I’ll have to settle for playing around with them in Photoshop.

Red, Red Popcorn

  It started off so normal, this popcorn thing: me, an air popper and some kernels. I had seen a recipe for Kool-Aid flavored popcorn several years ago. We’re talking pre-motherhood here, and had been meaning to make it. The thing is that most of the things that I mentally tagged back then are not… Continue reading Red, Red Popcorn

Goal 16: Sledding

Suddenly in the midst of a very mild Michigan winter snow was finally in the forecast. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a snow lover. In fact, I have been known to say gross things like, “I wouldn’t mind if I never saw another snowflake; I’d be content to see dandruff on peoples’ shoulders… Continue reading Goal 16: Sledding

Hair story

I was the victim of a bad haircut. Not recently, but I still sting at that unfortunate event. I had decided to grow out my relaxer and went on a whim, during my lunch break to get the remainder of the relaxed hair cut off. Long story short, the person cutting my hair didn’t have… Continue reading Hair story

Squash salad.

Everyone loves a two for one special right? I do, especially when it’s not enticing me to buy something I don’t need. This  salad was a two for one goal special. It got me closer to my salad goal and to my winter squash goal. And it was tasty. The whole point of this blog… Continue reading Squash salad.

Goal 29: Fill a canvas with doodles

I don’t even know what inspired me to put this down as a goal, but I am glad that I did! This small goal made me more aware of the doodling that I do in day-to-day life. And now I have something else for my black & white wall.

In February 2012, I will:

So, my theme word for 2012 is focus. I set it toward the end of last year, and things like these, goals, theme words, and such tend to evolve as time goes on. Though I claim not to set New Year’s Resolutions, I did resolve not to eat anything out of the vending machine at… Continue reading In February 2012, I will: