“I have to admit that you were a convenient receptacle for my basest and most reprehensible thoughts. You loved it when I let pretty words dance together in order to describe something disgusting. That’s all you’re getting out of me….”
Category: writing
In an open letter to my jilted novel,
“Wow. You really are getting desperate. I Investigate a song and find out that it’s ‘Old Devil Moon.’ I go tumbling down an internet tangent and find myself at Toni Morrison’s feet. What are you trying to do to me? It’s been over three years since we’ve last known each other….”
In an open letter to the novel I abandoned a couple years ago,
“What is up? You have the bothered me like four times in the last two weeks. I thought we were through….”
I was minding my own business, scattering my mind through clicks through the internet when I found a cento-writing contest. Based on the context of what I was looking at, I knew it would be a poem. Because I’m trying not to forget that once I wrote every single day, I decided to consider the… Continue reading Cento
Poetry Sunday
I am not about to sit here and say that each Sunday I’ll be posting one of my poems here, but I do plan to do this every once and a while. Writing group folks, you’ve seen this one, but I have made some edits. Coiffure I had what I thought was Harlem Renaissance hair,… Continue reading Poetry Sunday
I write like…
This post is for the writing group. According to this, I write like a man…and Stephanie Meyer. As people who have read my work, you’ll have to be the ones to tell me if it’s true. I write like David Foster Wallace I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! This is… Continue reading I write like…
Where fiction begins
As a fiction writer, I find myself in possession of collections of sentences that I want to use one day. At times, I feel like a phrase hoarder. Some of the sentences I love so much that I don’t even think I can bear to use them. It is like the good china. Some of… Continue reading Where fiction begins
AAAWG Extra Session
I could probably write a story full of tension and woe about the steps that I took in order to get ready for the writing group extra session. As any diverse group of people who gather around an interest, there is a tech guy. So, tech guy, offered a session on working on your blog.… Continue reading AAAWG Extra Session
It’s funny how a commitment to post to this blog every day suddenly makes me want to work on one of my novels. After all, if I am making progress on one of those things, I have something to post about here. However, a general wild exciting schedule has made it difficult for me to… Continue reading Inspiration
Day 3
I spent a lot of time in the car today. Thinking of my decision to focus on the creative, however, made me think about one of my novels as I drove to Flint. I now know something crucial about the relationship between Damian and Karma. Yes! Now, to get to that writing…