
I promise that this blog isn’t going to turn into a chronicle of memories about dates I had from men around the world. Really, really it won’t. Really, really, I hope it won’t. That said, when I was poking around online looking for information about Algeria, particularly Algerian food, when I saw some surnames that… Continue reading Algeria

Albanian Adventures

If you had asked me, say, when I was in high school whether I would ever have a connection to Albania, I would have answered confidently that I wouldn’t. Ahh high school,  the age of misguided confidence. It turned out that through some friends of a friend, that I would meet an Albanian guy with… Continue reading Albanian Adventures

Raspberries, Chocolate, and One of My Favorite People

Last week was the kind of week that makes it difficult to maintain an otherwise sunny disposition. There were other factors involved, but the main one involves my car. My poor car; she’s been through so much. On Monday, I started her up and got ready to go through the morning routine. I pulled onto… Continue reading Raspberries, Chocolate, and One of My Favorite People

Just because

I like to look at clouds, and take pictures of them. I am actually collecting some pictures of them hoping to make a larger project out of them. But until that day comes, I’ll have to settle for playing around with them in Photoshop.


I’ve been playing around with Photoshop Elements. I love The Cure’s Lovesong, and decided to make a poster. It is not perfect, but I like it.  

Wednesday Walk

Wednesday was gorgeous. So I took a walk during my lunch break. I saw many things like this lost fire extinguisher. There are so many sad stories tha could be associated with such a forsaken object, that I refused to let my mind linger on any of them. It was so weird to be able… Continue reading Wednesday Walk


You cannot be blamed for wondering what those rough hewn features would have felt beneath your fingertips. How those sad, intense eyes could have fixed on your own as the sun went down and you curved yourself to the shape of that lanky body. Nor could…

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Red, Red Popcorn

  It started off so normal, this popcorn thing: me, an air popper and some kernels. I had seen a recipe for Kool-Aid flavored popcorn several years ago. We’re talking pre-motherhood here, and had been meaning to make it. The thing is that most of the things that I mentally tagged back then are not… Continue reading Red, Red Popcorn