CSA: Week 1

I joined a CSA this year, something I have thought about in the past.  Some friends had done this with Needle-Lane Farms, which I kept wanting to call Pine Needle Farms, and I followed suit. Today I picked up my first delivery. I am very excited. My goal here is not to waste any of… Continue reading CSA: Week 1

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Like everyone else you know, I have accumulated far too many t-shirts in the last few years.  In my recent attempts to get myself in order I was forced to acknowledge that I just have too many of them. Seriously, I don’t even store them with my other clothes. Well, not exactly. I keep them… Continue reading T-shirts


One of the things I have been working on in the last 7 months is really trying to turn my apartment into “home.” As soon as I type that out it seems contrived and hokey. It is one of those sentences that makes me think, what does that mean?, when I read it elsewhere. I… Continue reading Home

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Right outside my apartment building is the drain for the parking lot. I hadn’t paid much attention to this in the past having moved in the fall and missed spring rain. Well, let’s just say I am glad that I bought rain boots this year. Let’s also say that this is a serious amount of… Continue reading Moist

Love letter

Dear fiber, I am sorry that my recent culinary forays have led me to forsake you. Really, I am sorry. I will not ever forget the good times we have had,  your study mouthfeel. The way you have always made me feel, after an encounter with you, that I have done something good for myself.… Continue reading Love letter

Everybody loves salad!

This week was a week of poor morning planning. Translation: I didn’t bring my lunch to work as much as I normally do. One day when I was wandering around wondering what I was going to buy for lunch, I noticed that Potbelly’s had a sign in the window for some new salads. So, I… Continue reading Everybody loves salad!

Categorized as cooking Tagged

I’m In Love With a Poet

And I admit that I have a bit of a problem with my tendency toward hyperbole. But thanks to Barrelhouse, which I recently discovered, I also found the object of my hyperbolic love: Erica Miriam Fabri. Recently, at a meeting of my writing group, one of the writers said (and this is my paraphrasing) that… Continue reading I’m In Love With a Poet

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President Monroe

I don’t know what it was about this biography, The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation’s Call to Greatness, but every time I picked it up, something about it made me think, “Oh, James Monroe is so cute.” And then I followed it up with a sigh. This biography  made me realize just… Continue reading President Monroe