The Lemonade Lucy

Rutherford Hayes‘ beard always reminded me of Shredded Wheat cereal. I remember looking at it in a book about the presidents that my family had. U understand that for other people, thinking about the presidents doesn’t match up with thinking about comestibles. For most other people who have taken an American history class, Hayes is
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The Tennessee Tailor

Andrew Johnson is a president who I first remember learning about in the fourth grade. I remember learning about him and trying to understand what impeachment is. Andrew Johnson, like many of the other presidents is someone given to us by swirling, crazy circumstances. Abraham Lincoln choose him as his running mate largely as a
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The Better Angel

There are a bazillion sources of information on Abraham Lincoln. At Ford’s Theatre, which I very, very much want to visit, there is a large spiraling tower of books about him. That makes it a challenge to identify just one element to focus on to create a tribute cupcake for him. Even if you want
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The Bachelor

  James Buchanan is one of the presidents unfortunate enough to be on one side of Lincoln, a president commonly remembered as a great one (well, at least among some folks). The one fact that I remember from elementary school studies is that he was the only president not to have been married, ever. There
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The Handsome

Franklin Pierce was known as Handsome Frank. This is the kind of thing that can make a certain type of person, you know the type to dedicate a part of her life to developing president-themed cupcakes, lose hours to the internet looking for a picture of him she found handsome. Beauty, folks, is in the
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The Rough and Ready

Zachary Taylor has the hottest of all presidential nicknames. Seriously. Old Rough and Ready. That name alone is reason enough to go along with his agenda. Okay, that’s out of the way. Lest you think that I am the singular person who, despite a deep love for the presidents, often thinks of them in shallow
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The Dark Horse

James K. Polk is sometimes thought of as the last strong president until Abraham Lincoln. Other times he is called the first “dark horse” president. While he was watching election-related things unfold, he realized that the presidential candidates, Martin Van Buren and Henry Clay were avoiding the highly contentious issue of expansionism. Polk brought the
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The Log Cabin

When William Henry Harrison and John Tyler ran for office, they were nicknamed the fertility ticket. Between the two of them, they had 25 children. Each and every time I think about that, I feel all of my internal organs quiver in fear upon even considering what it would be like to birth as many
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