Carrot butter

I found myself with a bunch of carrots hanging out in the back of the fridge threatening to be forgotten. I am really, really trying to waste less and use more of the things that I buy. Problem is is that I change my mind between grocery shopping and actual cooking. The by product of… Continue reading Carrot butter

Visions of sugarplums

I was walking along, minding my business (yes, most of my stories start this way) when I saw these cute little plums. When I read the sign that said sugarplums, I may have moaned audibly right there in the produce section. Instantly, I gathered a bazillion of them and plan to make jam. After all,… Continue reading Visions of sugarplums

Pear butter

Along with apples and pumpkins, pears are one of the tell-tale signs of the season to come. I love pears, and have been known to eat them to the point where the core is merely a string barely holding onto the pear seeds. My pear-love is one of those taken-for-granted loves. Pears have so much potential,… Continue reading Pear butter