When I was much, much younger, we’re talking half my age, I entertained all of these fantasies of running. I held on to them for years and years. The year I turned thirty, I decided that it was time to either start running or let the dream fall to the wayside. That year, I decided… Continue reading That’s Right, I Used To Run
Tag: running
If running doesn’t make you a runner, what does?
Sometime after I had run the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon, I made reference to “real runners,” which did not include myself. One of the people with whom I was talking stopped, looked at me, and said, “You just ran a half marathon. What do you mean real runners?” I do not recall my response.… Continue reading If running doesn’t make you a runner, what does?
Half Marathon!
I sit before my computer several hours after I ran my very first half marathon. In fact, a mere 14 hours ago, I was in the car, on my way to Detroit. The half marathon was the third road race in which I participated. When it is just you and the road before you and… Continue reading Half Marathon!