Happy Birthday, Alex

I can’t believe that Alex is 8.

Every day, that guy cracks me up.

For his birthday, Alex wanted a Monster Book of Monsters cake and a variety of office supplies. His very specific requests were for tan duct tape, a stapler (though as a household we already have 2, a standard stapler and a long-armed stapler), and “clickable” black pens. That was not a hard birthday wish to grant at all. He happily opened his birthday gifts and used his new supplies right there in the middle of the floor with great gusto for quite some time.


Though he’s not with me on his birthday, he’s with his dad, he said that he had a good time celebrating his birthday. And he was very, very excited about getting to take cupcakes to school to distribute among his classmates.

photo.JPGI always think of his birthday as the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, as this during labor, the hospital room TV kept talking about the 40th anniversary of that event. Recently, I’ve chosen to think about it as the day Lyndon Johnson became president. It’s a reminder to think about things in a glass-half-full kind of way and a reminder to try to teach that way of thinking to my little guy.

Happy Birthday, Alex.

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