I was the victim of a bad haircut.
Not recently, but I still sting at that unfortunate event.
I had decided to grow out my relaxer and went on a whim, during my lunch break to get the remainder of the relaxed hair cut off.
Long story short, the person cutting my hair didn’t have experience cutting hair like mine and it took a very long time. So as my hair dried, and shrank, she kept cutting away resulting in a haircut that was totally uneven. Her manager had to come in and try to salvage what had happened to my head. I had to go back to work looking like a Q-tip.
A Q-tip.
That was the last time I let someone else cut my hair. Over the next several months I gave myself several trims and small haircuts so that my hair could resemble something intentional.
That brings me to my point. This is the first time in a long time that my hair has been as long as it is right now.
And I have a lot of hair volume-wise.
And hairbrushes just can’t handle it.
The above hair brush had been the best one for my needs. It quite firmly, yet lovingly got through all of my hair. All of it. I suppose that there were some unresolved issues between my hair and the brush because this brush just cracked under the pressure.
The black and silver brush, sigh, was never a good match for my hair, but it was a good purse-sized brush. However, you’ll notice that pretty much all of the little white balls at the tips of the bristles have abandoned the brush. This brush now has an abusive relationship to my hair.
The black and blue brush has been beaten up over time by my hair. This brush was good for detangling my hair in the shower. But it, too, lost the little protective balls at the ends of the bristles and now wants to tear my hair.
So this blue brush is the best I have for now, but it can only handle small, small plots of hair.
This brush is good at smoothing down edges and stopping my hairline from looking fuzzy like something forgotten in the back of the fridge, but it can only penetrate the topmost layer of hair.
Evaluating my relationship to hair brushes makes me remember why I’ve kept my hair relatively short over the years.
Remembering that horrible haircut makes me remember why I’ve decided to let my hair grow out.
In the meanwhile, I’m in the market for a new brush.