There are so many ways a title containing the word “sausage” can go wrong…

Now that it’s getting warm, what better to think about than sausage. Well, ice cream might be better. Watermelon might be better, but that is not what I have on my mind. I have sausage on my mind. Wait, this could get weird fast.


So, making sausage is one of the birthday goals. This is definitely a weekend project!

How did I learn that? Yes, you’ve guessed it. I made sausage on a weeknight. Who kind of idiot does that? Wait. Don’t answer that!

I have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, one of my favorite purchases of all time. I got the meat grinder attachment because of a coupon! Boo-yah. However, I tried to use it once and did not have success. This put me off of my sausage goal. This year, I am set up to meet a record number of these goals, and I don’t want a rope of meat to stop me! I’m no chicken!

So I began by doing what nerdy people do best: research. I came across some videos on YouTube, which inspired me and gave me confidence.

The downside to making your own sausage is that you have to deal with the casings. There’s soaking and rinsing and untangling involved. The upside to making your own sausage is that you get to decide what flavors you want in there.


A ratatouille-inspired sausage? Eggplant+onion+summer squash+bell peppers?

Thai curry. Coconut milk + lemongrass + green curry?

Tandoori Chicken Sausage?

Chicken Apple Sausage ?

So. Many. Possibilities.

In the end, I went with buffalo chicken-flavored sausage. It turned out well for a first batch. It’s not the kind of thing that leaves me itching to try it again, but like most of the birthday goals, I am glad that I did this.  At the end of the day, this turned out to be a perfectly edible sausage.

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