Joe Biden Big Scoop Bracket: Train Tracks

As a Delaware senator, Joe Biden made a daily commute from Wilmington to Washington DC for work. The decades he spent making this trip are the inspiration for this ice cream. Since you don’t get a train commute without train tracks, I thought that I’d create an interpretation of  Moose Tracks ice cream. Moose Tracks […]

Traffic #4

Megan. She gets worked up over everything. It’s not like I called her a high school English teacher. Uptight. That’s what she is. Thank God I didn’t call her that. And now I have to go buy her something. When we met she was different, but she changed. They always go and change. A change’ll do you… Continue reading Traffic #4

Categorized as Traffic

Joe Biden’s Big Scoop Bracket

A few weeks ago, a few people posted a video montage of Joe Biden eating ice cream on my Facebook wall. My heart swelled with emotions. The first was mild confusion. No, I wasn’t confused as to why I opened up my habitual feed to find this particular visual. But I wondered, Is this who I am? […]

Road Trip Love

Now that my son is officially a teenager, the whole thing about time flying is smacking me in my face. He has already reached the age where he sometimes has plans for his own time that are different that what I had in mind. Over the last couple years, we’ve taken a few road trips… Continue reading Road Trip Love

Sangrias for Celebration or for Sorrow

Many people have been asking what the Donald Trump presidential cupcake will be. There are guesses and suggestions flying at me at the most unexpected times. I have to say that I don’t know yet. I’ll need to give President Trump some time in order for me to create the right biographical cupcake for him.
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365 Days of Salad

I decided at the last minute to do a New Year’s goal.  I’m going to try to eat a green salad every day in 2017.  This shouldn’t be too hard. I love salad! I love coming up with different flavor combinations. However, sometimes when you don’t slow down, it can be a challenge to get… Continue reading 365 Days of Salad


Someone recently asked me about my 2016. In the pause between processing the question and clumsily sputtering forth an answer, I realized that I have no idea what happened to 2016. This realization is what led me to 2017’s word: savor. I want to pay attention this year, and experience it fully. Of course, I’m… Continue reading Savor