Two seasons

I am really proud of this tomato because it grew from a plant that I started from seed. I didn’t maintain the plant, but take satisfaction in the success of the seed starting. Woo-hoo, heirloom tomato. Seeing the tomato, the vegetable of summer (in my mind) makes me feel like the season isn’t winding down.… Continue reading Two seasons

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Pineapple Rice

Earlier this week, I decided that I would power up the rice cooker and make a bunch of rice. I figured with it’s versatility, I could come up with a lot of ways to use the rice.  And I have been, it has been featured in breakfast this week as well as in more than… Continue reading Pineapple Rice


It’s funny how a commitment to post to this blog every day suddenly makes me want to work on one of my novels. After all, if I am making progress on one of those things, I have something to post about here. However, a general wild exciting schedule has made it difficult for me to… Continue reading Inspiration

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Apple butter

Preview this Post I nearly broke my behind for these apples. I was on a ladder on some uneven ground reaching a bit too far. *shudder* The plan was to make apple butter for putting up. But then I realized just how small and, well, homely these apples were and realized that I was not… Continue reading Apple butter

Battle Zucchini

It was worse than a dark and story night. It was a summer day that felt like fall, the kind of day that made you want to slaughter and devour pumpkins, preferably while quaffing cider. Then, at the wrong place and the wrong time entered a zucchini. A monster of a zucchini. There was no… Continue reading Battle Zucchini

Day 3

I spent a lot of time in the car today. Thinking of my decision to focus on the creative, however, made me think about one of my novels as I drove to Flint. I now know something crucial about the relationship between Damian and Karma. Yes! Now, to get to that writing…

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Day 2

The thing about vowing to dedicate a year to creativity is to find the time for it. Today was one of those days when time was more scarce than it should be. It was the kind of day when you just have to make the decision at the beginning of the day that you are… Continue reading Day 2

My Creative Year

This is it, the thirtieth birthday. I am as full of, wait-I’m-not-twenty-something-anymore angst as a lot of people when it comes to this milestone birthday. I remember saying, as a child, “on 9-9-09, I’ll be 30,” and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. And now that the day has come, well, I still… Continue reading My Creative Year

Julie and Julia

Once upon a time, I wrote a poem that made some allusions to Julia Child’s sex life. When I workshopped the poem at my writing group, I saw some eyebrows raise at the very notion. Upon seeing the Julie and Julia film, I feel vindicated.  Watching Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci play Julia and Paul… Continue reading Julie and Julia

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