“I don’t know if I have the strength nor the sense of restraint to handle what I came across today. A tumblr called foundingfatherfest? This is the sort of thing that can make days, weeks even, disappear.”
Author: sherlonya
The Handsome
Franklin Pierce was known as Handsome Frank. This is the kind of thing that can make a certain type of person, you know the type to dedicate a part of her life to developing president-themed cupcakes, lose hours to the internet looking for a picture of him she found handsome. Beauty, folks, is in the
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In an open letter to the neighbor swinging his trash bag like a dandy might swing his cane,
“Dude, you are much braver than I am. I sincerely hope that your garbage doesn’t wind up on your head.”
The Fillmore
It seems like a bit of a cop-out not to come up with a more creative name for Millard Fillmore’s cupcake, but, in a way, it also seems quite appropriate. While President Fillmore wasn’t without nickname, he was nicknamed The American Louis Philippe, his nickname is as forgettable as his tenure in office. He is
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Like a hot fudge sundae
In an open letter to her sweet, sweet son.
“Sweetie, I appreciate your compliments. I love them. They make me feel warm, and like I am, indeed, providing you a decent childhood. However, sometimes your compliments sound a little bit creepy…like this morning when you practically growled at me, “Well…does somebody look pretty this morning.” Your hand was on your hip and you were […]
In an open letter to her sweet, sweet son.
“Sweetie, I appreciate your compliments. I love them. They make me feel warm, and like I am, indeed, providing you a decent childhood. However, sometimes your compliments sound a little bit creepy…like this morning when you practically growled at me, “Well…does somebody look pretty this morning.” Your hand was on your hip and you were […]