“We’ll, I’m pretty sure that you know about my TSA fantasies. Now I don’t know where it is safe to be embarrassed.”
Author: sherlonya
In an open letter to tater tots,
“I always think I want you, that I love you. Until, that is, I’ve had you. You know those poems that are full of longing, desire, and regret? Lust? I could write you a chapbook of those….”
Still at it
What do you know. I haven’t, upon realizing that I need to put my habits in check, abandoned the plan, you know, two days in. Taking pictures of what I’m eating is something that I’ve tried before. When I tried … Continue reading →
In an open letter to Facebook,
“You are making me think that that spicy Lyndon Johnson story idea is something to be pursued.”
The Dark Horse
James K. Polk is sometimes thought of as the last strong president until Abraham Lincoln. Other times he is called the first “dark horse” president. While he was watching election-related things unfold, he realized that the presidential candidates, Martin Van Buren and Henry Clay were avoiding the highly contentious issue of expansionism. Polk brought the
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Best laid plans
I was going to run today, but I didn’t. However, I tried to make up for it in steps. 15,238 steps to be more precise. Net change = 0 lbs.
In an open letter to whoever smokes in the apartment building,
“You make the joint smell like memories of a bowling alley. I don’t like it.”
It’s all in how you frame it–sort of
So, I am off to a good start with trying to be more active. Friday, I went to the gym just like I said I would and did the things that I had planned. Sunday, I took a super long … Continue reading →
In an open letter to the laundry gods,
“I am a single parent with one child. Why is it that laundry seems so dang sisyphean? Do you hate breeders? Do you hate children?”
5 months later and I need a plan
This is one of those times where if I had done what I said I was going to do, I would have seen some results by now. But I didn’t do that. However, what I need is a plan. I … Continue reading →