In an open letter to the slow walking woman with the teeny tiny shorts,

“Full disclosure: I am in a bad mood. Now, if you are going to slowly shuffle about, don’t make a point to walk in front of moving vehicles. If you’re going to do this while wearing pantyshorts, please expect to be talked about. Case in point: I’m pretty sure that those shorts were tight enough […]

In an open letter to the universe,

“I feel like you pay me back for the mean things that I sometimes think. You smacked me down today. However, I also feel like you look out for me. For example, just this week, you put that bottle of Maker’s Mark that I had forgotten about in my eyesight. Now, on the other side […]

In an open letter to her son,

“Sweetie, if you bring a trash bag full of crap–oh, I’m sorry, your stuff–home from school and then proceed to leave that bag in the middle of the floor, I am going to put said bag on your bed.  That is all.”