In an open letter to the man with a really good haircut,

“….Keep on doing what you’re doing. Your haircut was captivating, danger. I saw it when I was waiting to cross the street. My eyes didn’t make it past your hair. Your salt and pepper was perfectly seasoned. I stared as you passed until I saw the walk sign. I thought about your haircut halfway down […]

In an open letter to her wrong and uncouth mind,

“Why do you do this to me, fill me up with thoughts that are too strange to ever utter aloud? Why do you get started so early? At least this morning I was in the shower where I could metaphorically cleanse myself while I actually cleansed myself. Give a gal a break, would you?”

In an open letter to her sweet, sweet son.

“Sweetie, I appreciate your compliments. I love them. They make me feel warm, and like I am, indeed, providing you a decent childhood. However, sometimes your compliments sound a little bit creepy…like this morning when you practically growled at me, “Well…does somebody look pretty this morning.” Your hand was on your hip and you were […]

In an open letter to her sweet, sweet son.

“Sweetie, I appreciate your compliments. I love them. They make me feel warm, and like I am, indeed, providing you a decent childhood. However, sometimes your compliments sound a little bit creepy…like this morning when you practically growled at me, “Well…does somebody look pretty this morning.” Your hand was on your hip and you were […]

In an open letter to Lyndon Johnson,

“I wonder how long you will have this hold on me. It’s getting pretty bad. In addition to re-watching documentaries about you, I have taken to pausing them so that I can look at you in certain moments. Last night there was this picture of you when  you were young and thin and I couldn’t […]