Strawberry Donuts

When I saw the cover of the April Saveur, I knew I was in trouble. On the cover were these cute, yet seductive donuts. This cover is the reason that I now subscribe to the downloadable version of the magazine. I have no business baking donuts right now. None whatsoever. Seriously, when you’re baking cupcakes all… Continue reading Strawberry Donuts

Rhubarb Soda

I read enough food magazines to know that when rhubarb is either featured or mentioned on the cover, that the season change is near. I didn’t grow up eating rhubarb; it just wasn’t something that we did. However, I do remember seeing it in the produce section of the grocery store as a child and… Continue reading Rhubarb Soda

Peanut Butter Bacon Challah |with recipe|

Sometimes something comes into your mind and just takes over it. In these moments you know that fighting is useless, that you are had. That thought owns you. This is what happened one day when I was innocently perusing instagram. I saw a picture of something described as something like peanut butter bacon challah. This time,… Continue reading Peanut Butter Bacon Challah |with recipe|

Smoothie Goal

One of my birthday goals this year was to try 26 smoothies. Sometimes, a gal just needs a project. And sometimes a gal has to do something to make sure that all of her projects aren’t about cake. You see, the thing is that I love being in my warm bed, the heat from my… Continue reading Smoothie Goal

Nothing says winter like pineapple popsicles

Alex has always loved popsicles. It was one of his early words. In fact, I don’t think that he has ever turned one down. So when I found myself in possession of a pineapple that was becoming more fragrant by the moment and a fridge full of homemade yogurt, popsicles seemed the natural solution. It’s… Continue reading Nothing says winter like pineapple popsicles

PBJ Grits

I don’t know what got into me. I knew that I wanted to have grits. I love them. They may be my number one comfort food. I like to eat them when I’m sick. I like to eat them when I just don’t know what to eat. Grits feel like love in my tummy. But… Continue reading PBJ Grits