President Monroe

I don’t know what it was about this biography, The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation’s Call to Greatness, but every time I picked it up, something about it made me think, “Oh, James Monroe is so cute.” And then I followed it up with a sigh. This biography  made me realize just… Continue reading President Monroe

Goal 24: Done

It’s the cocktail goal. There’s something about always being the girl to order a Jack and Coke at the bar when she goes dancing by herself that is a little uncomfortable. It’s just not ladylike. (Stop laughing!) So, I decided to learn more about what I like and what I don’t like in terms of… Continue reading Goal 24: Done

Checking in

So, I do these birthday goals. The thing about year-long goal setting is that life can get in the way and then, unless you are diligent, you can lose sight of those goals. That general you really refers to me. So, I’m checking in. When you set 31 goals, you sort of know that you… Continue reading Checking in

Half Marathon!

I sit before my computer several hours after I ran my very first half marathon. In fact, a mere 14 hours ago, I was in the car, on my way to Detroit. The half marathon was the third road race in which I participated. When it is just you and the road before you and… Continue reading Half Marathon!

Beet salad

My love affair with the beet is still in it’s honeymoon phase. I had never known, upon glancing at the pedestrian root vegetable that it could be so delicious. However, recently I came across a recipe for a beet salad that I knew I had to try. I modified the original recipe in a few… Continue reading Beet salad

Pear butter

Along with apples and pumpkins, pears are one of the tell-tale signs of the season to come. I love pears, and have been known to eat them to the point where the core is merely a string barely holding onto the pear seeds. My pear-love is one of those taken-for-granted loves. Pears have so much potential,… Continue reading Pear butter

Not quite a drawing

Goal number 8 is to improve my drawing. This, like improving cardio endurance or improving one’s cable-knitting skills, is a matter of practice. Yesterday, when I was wasting time on the Internet, I came across an image on Sugar City Journal. It was striking to me. Her image appears to be collage, it is of little… Continue reading Not quite a drawing

Pineapple Rice

Earlier this week, I decided that I would power up the rice cooker and make a bunch of rice. I figured with it’s versatility, I could come up with a lot of ways to use the rice.  And I have been, it has been featured in breakfast this week as well as in more than… Continue reading Pineapple Rice