“Thank you for leaving us the spicy hot love letters that you exchanged. I believe I recall one of you saying to the other something about being attracted to each other like magnet to metal. Oh, how I wish I had penned that line. Oh how I enjoy knowing about the passion that you shared.”
Tag: history
In an open letter to Robert Caro,
“You are clearly fascinated with Lyndon Johnson. This makes me a bit fascinated with you. When I read about LBJ late at night, I see your name a lot too….”
I shouldn’t have found this
The problem with biography is that biographers either love or hate their subjects. I like to read biographical love letters, yes, just short of hagiography. In the President Project, this is dangerous for me. You see, these men just come off as sexy and they ruin my dreams and inhabit my poetry. So,when I saw… Continue reading I shouldn’t have found this