In an open letter to Anthony Weiner,

“Hey, thanks for providing the context in which I was able to have my first conversation with my son about sexting and responsibility in these times we inhabit. I think you might be a good jumping off board for talks two and three. Depending on your future actions, maybe even talks four through seven. One […]

In an open letter to her sister-in-law,

“Now that you work in a hospital, I can’t stop asking all sorts of uncouth questions about the body once things have gone wrong. I find it quite satisfying in a disgusting sort of way. However, those stories about the various and sundry items people insert in various bodily nooks and crannies break my brain […]

In an open letter to her contact lenses,

“I used to be grateful to you  for purposes of vanity. Now, I am grateful that if I have knocked my glasses down while sleeping that I can wear you to find them. Also, I am grateful for the lack of blind spots I experience in daily living when wearing you. Though my priorities have […]

In an open letter to public restrooms,

“You chill my soul. I quake in fear whenever we encounter each other. I know that you’re not supposed to sling around the words ‘always’ and ‘never’ in relationships, but ours has never been a healthy one. You always make me worry about my health. I am always concerned by all of those moist surfaces. […]