That’s not a donut. I know. FLOTUS Donuts is a followup to a cupcake project. About two years ago, I decided to create a cupcake to honor each US President. That sweet, wild ride is called Head of State Cakes. As I wrap up that project, it’s time to start something new. It’s time to… Continue reading Flotus Donuts
Tag: presidents
Who’s your founding father?
I really don’t believe that the Honda commercial that came out last year around Presidents Day persuaded me to buy a Honda. However, sometimes when I approach my car, I hear that commercial in my mind, even though I think George Washington would disapprove of it. I think that Lincoln, on the other hand, would… Continue reading Who’s your founding father?
In an open letter to the Internet,
“I don’t know if I have the strength nor the sense of restraint to handle what I came across today. A tumblr called foundingfatherfest? This is the sort of thing that can make days, weeks even, disappear.”
In an open letter to Lyndon Johnson,
“I wonder how long you will have this hold on me. It’s getting pretty bad. In addition to re-watching documentaries about you, I have taken to pausing them so that I can look at you in certain moments. Last night there was this picture of you when you were young and thin and I couldn’t […]
In an open letter to John and Abigail Adams,
“Thank you for leaving us the spicy hot love letters that you exchanged. I believe I recall one of you saying to the other something about being attracted to each other like magnet to metal. Oh, how I wish I had penned that line. Oh how I enjoy knowing about the passion that you shared.”
In an open letter to Facebook,
“You are making me think that that spicy Lyndon Johnson story idea is something to be pursued.”
In an open letter to Lyndon Johnson,
“You are right up there with Bill Clinton with respect to presidents entering my dreams. Last night, though, was a doozy. What were you doing jumping from such a height directly into a building? How did you defy gravity like that, your feet sticking out from the building at about a 35 degree angle? And […]
In an open letter to Google,
“I am very disappointed that the search, “president Grant hottie,” did not live up yo my expectations.”
In an open letter to Lyndon Johnson,
“If I can be honest with you, I have to say that I feel like starting a site of nothing but letters to you. However, I think that my friends and family might stage an intervention. I can’t afford to have an intervention until I’ve at least ready the Robert Caro volumes. Now, I think […]
In an open letter to Robert Caro,
“You are clearly fascinated with Lyndon Johnson. This makes me a bit fascinated with you. When I read about LBJ late at night, I see your name a lot too….”