“I know you’re out there. I know that you can imagine the moment when you see that you’ve caught his eye. I know you’d watch as he decided whether or not to approach. He’d stand too close. You would tell yourself that you’re sweating because it’s hot. You’d know better. I know you’re out there, […]
Author: sherlonya
Like a butternut squash
In an open letter to Robert Caro,
“You are clearly fascinated with Lyndon Johnson. This makes me a bit fascinated with you. When I read about LBJ late at night, I see your name a lot too….”
Like a chocolate chip cookie
Like a strawberry
In an open letter to the bald head of cabbage that lies in wait in the fridge,
“The things I will do to you. You will feel like the star of a Barry White song. There will be creaminess and cheese, which is even better….”
In an open letter to men who wear pants that, uh, accentuate their silhouettes,
“I am no junk-gazer, but some of you are wearing pants these days that make it hard to concentrate. Not in an ooh-and ah way, for the record. No, this is more in a ‘Wait. Was that? I think that was…what is going on here? kind of way.’ It is distracting. I’m just saying if […]
In an open letter to anyone who sees me cardancing,
“I need you to know that dancing and cardancing are two distinct activities. There’s something about the enclosed space of my car that tells my elbows that it is time to party up. They listen. I let them go. There is no rhythm in my car just movement, and freedom and Phil Collins.”
In an open letter to the bicyclist who rode while exposing a good three inches of rear end,
“Sir, it was the exposed buttock region that first got my attention. Then, however, I noticed that the crackside shadows made it look like you were wearing thong panties. So, of course, I had to get a closer look. I didn’t see any underwear at all. This is, of course, your choice, but I’ll have […]
In an open letter to the pregnant woman who shimmied and squeezed in order to avoid walking the long way to the elliptical machine next to mine,
“Ma’am, I know that I am one of those people who can be weird about personal space, but next time you get on a gym machine directly next to someone else, you might not want to wear the perfume that makes the person next to you feel like she’s tasting circus peanuts.”