Goal 24: Done

It’s the cocktail goal. There’s something about always being the girl to order a Jack and Coke at the bar when she goes dancing by herself that is a little uncomfortable. It’s just not ladylike. (Stop laughing!) So, I decided to learn more about what I like and what I don’t like in terms of… Continue reading Goal 24: Done

Dirty little secret

I have a confession. Even, I, maker of mayo-less coleslaw, cooker of quinoa, saute-er of spinach; succumbs to the power of a certain processed cheese product. I blame my childhood. Not that we had this often, but sometimes we did and it was delicious. And maybe If I tell you that it reminds me of… Continue reading Dirty little secret

Caldo Verde

I was playing around with on Bloglines when I came across a soup I had saved as new.  At 30 Bucks a Week, there was a recipe for what they called Quasi Caldo Verde. Upon looking at it, I thought, “I have the ingredients to make something like that.” So, I did. I was way… Continue reading Caldo Verde

General George Washington: A Military Life

I am almost embarrassed by the way I got sucked into General George Washington: A Military Life by Edward G. Lengel. I listened to it and was stricken by the frequent descriptions of President Washington’s physicality. I don’t have a problem thinking of these men, the presidents, as flesh-and-bones people. Just ask my writing group… Continue reading General George Washington: A Military Life

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If running doesn’t make you a runner, what does?

Sometime after I had run the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon, I made reference to “real runners,” which did not include myself. One of the people with whom I was talking stopped, looked at me, and said, “You just ran a half marathon. What do you mean real runners?” I do not recall my response.… Continue reading If running doesn’t make you a runner, what does?

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Visions of sugarplums

I was walking along, minding my business (yes, most of my stories start this way) when I saw these cute little plums. When I read the sign that said sugarplums, I may have moaned audibly right there in the produce section. Instantly, I gathered a bazillion of them and plan to make jam. After all,… Continue reading Visions of sugarplums

Where fiction begins

As a fiction writer, I find myself in possession of collections of sentences that I want to use one day. At times, I feel like a phrase hoarder. Some of the sentences I love so much that I don’t even think I can bear to use them. It is like the good china. Some of… Continue reading Where fiction begins

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Best intentions

So, a little while ago, I stated over on Facebook that I had planned my meals up through March 5th. A few friends said, hey, I’m curious, what did you plan. Nonchalantly, I replied that I would post about it on my blog. And then I meant to do it, and then I didn’t. In… Continue reading Best intentions

Hail to the Chief

I once lived in an apartment for two years without ever appropriately decorating. This is not right, as I like to look at things. Colorful things. Lots of them. It was another time, a rough time full of driving, driving and more driving. Some of it turned out to be worth it, other of it… Continue reading Hail to the Chief