Peanut Butter Bacon Challah |with recipe|

Sometimes something comes into your mind and just takes over it. In these moments you know that fighting is useless, that you are had. That thought owns you. This is what happened one day when I was innocently perusing instagram. I saw a picture of something described as something like peanut butter bacon challah. This time,… Continue reading Peanut Butter Bacon Challah |with recipe|

Ciabatta=fail, Cinnamon rolls=pass

I don’t know what happened with my ciabatta, but something just wasn’t right. It looked promising, but like a marriage ending in divorce, something went wrong. I don’t know what, but something was wrong, very wrong. This made the matter of cinnamon rolls that much more important. I find baking more challenging in the warm… Continue reading Ciabatta=fail, Cinnamon rolls=pass


I don’t think I’d ever eaten challah before, but I made it! This turned out to be a beautiful loaf of bread that left the nighttime kitchen fragrant and made me want to sit in front of the oven with my black notebook and write some poems about it. But I didn’t. By the time… Continue reading Challah


BBA Challenge strikes again. This time, the bread is brioche. This sounds incredibly dense, but it didn’t occur to me until I came across the blog French Laundry at Home that what I am doing is cooking, or in this case baking, my way from beginning to end of a cookbook. I am glad that… Continue reading Brioche


Bagels are the third bread in the Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge line-up. Unlike the anadama bread and the christopsomos bread, (obviously) this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of or had bagels. Also, it isn’t the first time that I have made bagels. In the past, I have used a bagel recipe that I found… Continue reading Bagels

Anadama bread

Since more than one of my major writing projects have to do with food, I feel less and less guilty that I spend so much time thinking about it. So, when I was looking around at blogs, I came across this BBA Challenge at Pinch My Salt. I knew that wanted to participate. Perhaps this… Continue reading Anadama bread